MA for leopold_bloom

Re: MA for leopold_bloom

Postby idahorob » Wed Mar 24, 2010 12:30 pm

As for myself, I'm going to miss Leopold Bloom. In an era of tweets, text messages and limits of 140 characters and having that pass for communication, it is refreshing to find someone who takes time and creates a literary response. I'm not offended by the deception; I find it rather clever and sometimes wish I had the nerve to, say, travel on vacation as an alter-ego just to see if it created more freedom in my capacity to relate to people, or for them to relate to me. i can understand, though, why others will not be so amused.

Basing Leopold, the skier, in Dublin always seemed incongruous to me. How could he have gotten enough skiing to make himself such an authority? In fact, I was about to pm him to ask about that.

I don't know if you are familiar with the works of Carlos Castaneda, but such activities he called "stalking." It wasn't what we read about in the newspapers; it was being able to take on a new identity so clearly that one became less fixated in habitual personality, gaining more flexibility in world view, behavioral patterns, emotional responses and ability to understand and relate to others. If anything, it was a way of stalking who we habitually take ourselves to be. Okay, there were more mystical elements, too, but I don't think Leopold was into those.

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Re: MA for leopold_bloom

Postby oggy » Wed Mar 24, 2010 1:23 pm

Strangely enough, I labeled Leo as an "odd character" in a PM earlier today, unaware of the connection to Ulysses (it's on my to-read list, along with a few dozen others). For what it's worth, I'll miss his wordy (but seemingly very accurate) analyses. And Dublin was certainly a nice touch, had me scratching my head.
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Re: MA for leopold_bloom

Postby Max_501 » Wed Mar 24, 2010 1:36 pm

leopold_bloom wrote:Max501 finally took the bait. His argument about terrain not affecting movement is both indefensible and informative. It really highlights the weakness of the PMTS system and that is the strong dogmatic undercurrent that seems to dominate the discussion.

I responded to an assertion that does not fit the PMTS approach to skiing. PMTS works so well because of its adherence to a set of efficient and effective movements that are used in all conditions and all over the mountain. That's not dogma in my book.
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Re: MA for leopold_bloom

Postby h.harb » Wed Mar 24, 2010 2:08 pm

leopold_bloom says:
I was wondering how long it would be before someone challenged Leo's pronouncements from on high. Max501 finally took the bait. His argument about terrain not affecting movement is both indefensible and informative. It really highlights the weakness of the PMTS system and that is the strong dogmatic undercurrent that seems to dominate the discussion.
I gave up on posting in the main forum because I have no time for the politics and personal attacks.

Max501 finally took the bait
So that's the goal for your residence on this forum, sorry that's not an ethical motivation.

There are no politics involved with my comments, about your movement analysis posts or in telling people about there skiing, just comments about movement evaluation, correct or incorrect. If you want to create your own politics, you will be the one that has to live by them.

Come out with a legit registration, personality, background, be upfront and honest, don't hide behind the internet, and no one will have a problem. By the way, the strong dogmatic undercurrent in PMTS is it's strength, guess you missed that part.

In case no one has asked, got any video? We'll be the judge of where the weakness in your PMTS movements reside.
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Re: MA for leopold_bloom

Postby jclayton » Wed Mar 24, 2010 2:38 pm

Many of Leo's comments have often been incisive but lately were becoming rather fuzzy .

Why anyone would spend so much time just being a pastiche of a person or literary character for the sake of superficial amusement is beyond me .

The theme of Harald as a dogmatic no opposition brooked dictator rears its head again . The fact is , if anyone has taken the time to meet him and ski with him , is that he calls a spade a spade and if you don't have the balls to look at yourself critically then have a whinge and whine to yourself and dissappear up your own a**hole.

Adios to a psuedo literary version of " el hombre rapido " .
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Re: MA for leopold_bloom

Postby h.harb » Wed Mar 24, 2010 3:19 pm

My suspicions and others were aroused many months ago, but put on hold most of the winter, as I was too busy to keep track of what was happening. There was always a little uneasiness about the "Bloom" approach to MA and his obviously hidden identity. Call us paranoid, but that doesn't mean someone isn't out to get us.
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Re: MA for leopold_bloom

Postby ginaliam » Wed Mar 24, 2010 3:29 pm

you know, I always figured he was given such a wide berth in his MA's because he was one of the instructors-or at least a known quantity. You Must admit, he went not only unchecked for a good stretch of time, but sometimes even lauded (by the powers that be). It was A pretty thorough ruse, if also ultimately unproductive and self-serving.

Oh well...
I've been enjoying sharing Harald's most recent clip from the upcoming free skiing DVD with friends and colleagues.
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Re: MA for leopold_bloom

Postby HeluvaSkier » Wed Mar 24, 2010 3:40 pm

This thread is a major disappointment. I was hoping to see Leo ski. Oh well, perhaps I already have...
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Re: MA for leopold_bloom

Postby jclayton » Wed Mar 24, 2010 3:54 pm

The fact that someone can construct such a satire with PMTS just shows what a clear , coherent system it is .

All this aside ( Leo was not stupid , effete is probably a good description ) what we get here is nuts and bolts . There are no fake testimonials , just happy , down to earth , campers .

There is no reason to be upset , life goes on , as Walt Whitman says - everybody has their place .
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Re: MA for leopold_bloom

Postby h.harb » Wed Mar 24, 2010 10:25 pm

Leo got exactly what he wanted, attention and went down in flames, short lived and a short history, next week this will be old news, next month no one will remember who Leo was. "Hasta la vista, baby!"
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Re: MA for leopold_bloom

Postby h.harb » Wed Mar 24, 2010 10:26 pm

What no video, come on Leo, be a sport, no fun. :(
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Re: MA for leopold_bloom

Postby nugget » Thu Mar 25, 2010 12:49 am

h.harb wrote:Leo got exactly what he wanted, attention and went down in flames, short lived and a short history, next week this will be old news, next month no one will remember who Leo was. "Hasta la vista, baby!"

Who are you talking about?
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Re: MA for leopold_bloom

Postby arothafel » Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:14 am

Well, this presents a bit of a dilemma. Was it just that one post (MA - Oggy) that called into question Leo's MA or several?

I've been working under the assumption that unless HH or Max jumped into an MA discussion, it was probably sound. Many times, Harald, you've come to the rescue when an MA was headed in the wrong direction. As did Max on this most recent MA.

Do we call into question all of Leo's past MA? For example, here's an MA where he made several suggestions.

I took them to be valid since no one disagreed with any of it. In fact, most simply added to it. So, I ran with it.

Now, I'm not so sure. Do we know whether or not we are receiving sound advice? Should we progress with the notion of "caveat emptor" until Harald, Max or other certified PMTS coaches chime in and either validate or correct current MA? Or is my current assumption O.K. That unless we hear differently ... the advice is probably O.K.

This might be important as more and more PMTS enthusiasts post video.

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Re: MA for leopold_bloom

Postby Max_501 » Thu Mar 25, 2010 10:16 am

arothafel wrote:Should we progress with the notion of "caveat emptor" until Harald, Max or other certified PMTS coaches chime in and either validate or correct current MA?

That would seem to be a good policy but I'd broaden it to include feedback from other long term and well known PMTS contributors.
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Re: MA for leopold_bloom

Postby h.harb » Thu Mar 25, 2010 11:00 am

Art, Some of what Leo was doing early on was good. I was not able to review everything, but recently the MA started to wavier and become downright PSIAish or Epicish. This began to make us very suspicious. His response to being called out about who he is elicited some rather unsavory responses and scary motivations. What is he trying to pull off here, why can't he be upfront and honest about who he is and what he's doing. I'm going to go through his MA and make comments as to when it was on track or off, and post this.

I think the general rule here is anyone can respond to MA requests, however, be careful who you take advice from. If it seems vague or undirected be weary. First, I'd make sure the MA was from a qualified PMTS accredited coach. Others who have been here many years are legit, Jeremy, Greg, Bolter etc. come to mind.
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