Straight Ski Ripping?

Straight Ski Ripping?

Postby Skiasaurus Rex » Tue Oct 15, 2013 2:28 pm

I found this on the same site as the Berger Video: Bernd Greber.

It gets better as it moves along -the neon colors and steep and bump runs at the end are all pretty slick.
I don't know who he is or was, but this looks like some pretty ripping skiing and a straight ski precursor to PMTS. Is the huge ski lift he does in the bigger turns a Phantom move and was that common among skiers like this in this era? How similar are the moves in the video to current PMTS-and are most of the differences adjustments to modern equipment?

I just haven't seen too many old school straight ski ski videos with free skiing like this. I have seen great old school bump rippers, but not rapid fire carvers like this. Would this have been a model of PMTS skiing in the days of yore.

Oh, and is this guy a world cup racer?? I suspect he was but I have no appreciation for the finer history of that sport, I'm afraid to say. I have never skied a pair of straight skis in my life-but I love old videos like this.
Skiasaurus Rex
Posts: 172
Joined: Mon Feb 21, 2011 6:18 am

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