Sorry we have to put up with this vularity

PMTS Forum

Sorry we have to put up with this vularity

Postby Harald » Fri Oct 21, 2005 12:37 pm

There is no response to the disgusting attacking guest posters. Ignore this level of vulgarity. This last one is a ski instructor who has lost his confidence in everything he thought he knew. He is out of contact, behind in skiing and teaching and has no way to react, but to lash out. A primitive individual totally threatened, with no life or future in skiing with his system. The house of cards is falling for some. This kind of reaction is the first step in the process of facing denial.

Peter, John M. and I will be putting a stop to this, as the forum is being reconfigured and it will be moderated. I am sorry you had to be subjected to this disgusting post. What it does demonstrate is a huge level of hostility and anger and that some TTS instructors have already lost confidence and control of themselves.

Many PMTS skiers here on the PMTS forum, have tried in very civil ways through posts, to present their own experiences with skiing.

They have clearly explained that they began skiing with TTS, with TTS instructors, in most cases they make the point that they did not find the progress and results that they expected from lessons.

This became evident to many PMTS skiers before, in most cases, they found PMTS.

When they realized they wanted something different, many searched for other ways to access skiing information. They found other options sometimes it was Lito?s books and camps and other times it was Harb Ski Systems Camps and my books/videos.

Many PMTS skiers have first hand knowledge about other products whether Lito?s camps, Harb Ski Systems, or TTS, and they have the ability to compare the systems.

I find it strange that TTS followers or instructors need to appear here in secrecy and take jabs at me, and PMTS skiers, when their problem lies with the lack of success of their system.

Bashing me doesn?t help correct their fundamental problem, which is skiers finding and liking other systems. I didn?t invent their system, but I did try to upgrade it, their leaders thought their system was just fine for skiers, so I left. There anger should be directed toward their own organization. Not that anger in any form accomplishes progress.

The other thing that I find silly, it?s so business ignorant, is that the TTS supporters appear here and argue with customers, clients or guests. ?The customer is always right,? may not apply in all situations, but attacking customers, skiers and literally telling them they are brainwashed, doesn?t usually play out very well.

So life goes on and I take the personal attacks in stride because those attacks don?t change the facts, in the long run, PMTS is doing what customers want and skiers find PMTS so satisfying that they sign up for Harb Ski Systems programs. My goals are being met; my guest?s expectations are being met or exceeded. Am I satisfied, no?

I think all skiers should have access to and awareness of and a choice between TTS and other systems. I probably won?t stop until that next goal is met.
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When you go over the line

Postby Harald » Fri Oct 21, 2005 4:39 pm

Thanks Peter, for cleaning out the rubbish and embarrassing example of tactics used by self destructive individuals.

From now on this will be a monitored web site; (until the new one is in place) those that persist in posting unworthy material, will be blocked from ever posting again.
"Maximum Skiing information, Minimum BS
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Location: Dumont

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