Tips or drills for delaying big toe edge engagement

PMTS Forum

Tips or drills for delaying big toe edge engagement

Postby tarnaby » Sat Mar 16, 2024 10:34 am

I am hoping to find some drills for creating an "O frame" by delaying the big toe engagement of the new stance ski. Thanks in advance.
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Re: Tips or drills for delaying big toe edge engagement

Postby jbotti » Sat Mar 16, 2024 5:19 pm

The best progression is something like this:
Start with dryland/indoor slantboard work. Lifting and tipping on the slantboard. If you can balance on the LTE while doing this even better.
Then move to static work on the slope. Balance on the LTE of what will be the new stance leg. Lift and tip the new free foot until you roll onto the BTE of the new stance ski. Look to make sure you have created an O frame. Practice this a while on both sides.
Remember that your tipping ROM increases the more you flex. If you watch Harald do this move you will immediately notice that he flexes his old stance leg/new free foot, way more than most. Again, the more you flex the further you can tip. The other thing that is true, is that if you have any inside tip lead, your ROM for tipping decreases greatly, so you must have your free foot pulled back.
Then practice on flat terrain (I practice this on flat cattracks). Here you are making sure that you never move your new stance foot to its BTE, but have that happening only from the LTE tipping of the other ski. Flexing is key.
Lastly, practice Super Phantom moves on modest terrain. Here you are making sure that you stay balanced on the old LTE as you tip the old stance ski to its LTE. If you can consistently do super phantom releases on moderate terrain, the next move is to see if you can do some brushed SRT's making sure that you are balancing briefly on the old LTE as you are tipping the new LTE. Remember to flex a ton and pull back and hold the free foot back throughout the arc.
Video is very useful, as we are looking for the O frame, a moment of bowleggedness in all of these.
After having spent a week skiing with skiing with Harald, I can't emphasize enough how much flexing the LTE leg increases ROM, and when you practice this flex 2-3X the amount you think you need to, or 2-3X the amount you usually do.
The flex deeply and tip move is the essential for all great skiing and it will lead to significantly higher edge angles. This is where the angles start. Adding CA and CB increases the angles even further.
Balance: Essential in skiing and in life!
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Re: Tips or drills for delaying big toe edge engagement

Postby tarnaby » Sat Mar 16, 2024 8:52 pm

Wow - pure gold! Thanks jbotti!
Posts: 112
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