An Immodest Request

PMTS Forum

An Immodest Request

Postby geezer skier » Tue Jan 04, 2022 4:34 pm

Early next month I will turn 82. I attended a Super Blue PMTS Camp in 2005. I have also read all of Harald's books, and purchased all of his videos. I think that I understand, and can apply PMTS well. Using PMTS principles I can carve a green trail (if it's not too long) from top to bottom. I can do the same on parts of most blur trails. But I can't do this all day long. My point is this-with the exception of Harald, and very few others, most 70+ skiers can't pure carve for long periods of time. We no longer have the balance, confidence, fast-twitch muscles, nor conditioning to do so. Several years ago Harald hinted that he might develop a system specifically for Senior skiers. And I can attest first hand that there is a difference between skiing at 65, 70, 75, and now 80+. I would strongly encourage Harald to resurrect that idea. :D :D :D
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Re: An Immodest Request

Postby geezer skier » Tue Jan 04, 2022 4:38 pm

I should have added; I had a compound fracture of my left ankle (9 metal rods inserted), two knee replacements, and a right hip replacement. That fact that I can still ski at all--I count as a blessing! :D My goal is to ski at least until age 90.
geezer skier
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Re: An Immodest Request

Postby jbotti » Tue Jan 04, 2022 8:50 pm

Congrats to you for still being on Snow!! You are an inspiration to us all. I am 61 and headed your way sooner than I want to believe. We can all learn from you and from Harald who is reached his 70s and is still skiing strong.

Keep us up on your skiing and let us know what works and helps to keep you on snow and to ski well when you are out!
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Re: An Immodest Request

Postby Roundturns » Wed Jan 05, 2022 3:26 pm

Geezer skier, that’s fantastic you are still at it and have the passion you have. I’m turning 67 this month, missed my first ski season in 56 years last year , because I was recovering from prostate cancer.I am anxious to ski again this season but likely just locally.
I think tactics that can contribute to skiing as well as possible as we age and lose flexibility is a great concept that would have a strong following. Lots of golf for seniors stuff out there.
In our mind’s we’re all young again when we ski, but can certainly benefit with some technique strategy.
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Re: An Immodest Request

Postby geezer skier » Wed Jan 05, 2022 3:52 pm

To me-there is nothing like the thrill that pure carved turns generate. The "snap" you get after each properly performed release is addicting! It reminds me of ice skating when I was young-and being on the end of a long connected string of skaters. That whip you get when you're the last skater in a turn. That being said- I now find myself using brushed carves and skiing slower and under more control. But every now and then, if the trail is gentle, wide, and the sun is shinning, I let her rip! :lol:
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Re: An Immodest Request

Postby HeluvaSkier » Thu Jan 06, 2022 8:03 pm

Awesome that you're both still skiing! Either of you have plans to be in Ellicottville this season?
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Re: An Immodest Request

Postby geezer skier » Thu Jan 06, 2022 8:50 pm

Probably not Heluva. I missed all last ski season with the broken ankle (ATV accident). Spending a lot of time on Green trails till I get my ski legs back. I was not at all sure that I could ever ski again. Gigantic grin after that first successful day back. Surprisingly, I think I'm about 90% back with the brushed carves, and about 70% back with the pure carves. Now, if we could only get some more snow!
Still hoping to hear from Harald on the Senior Ski proposal.
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Re: An Immodest Request

Postby h.harb » Fri Jan 07, 2022 6:38 pm

Thank you for the post. Much of what I would do with the senior skiers' project would be dryland and training-oriented exercise for flexibility and movement awereness. As far as the technique once the alignment is set and close to perfect, the movements become easier and less stressful on the joints. I agree that carving all day isn't realistic. However, a brushed carve turn is still a very high-end and quality turn. I like the comment about carving. Do I still carve all day long? Yes, I mostly do. I don't go for the huge angles every run, because it's not realistic as far as energy usage and enjoyment value.
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