My PMTS journey

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My PMTS journey

Postby dj_61 » Mon Feb 03, 2020 5:54 am

I just returned from a ski trip in Austria and feel an urge to share my story as a ‘thank you note’. I returned to skiing 7 years ago after a 31 year hiatus. I learned to ski in the late 60’s, early 70’s. Leather boots, no thermos and straight skis with spring bindings. I have had many lessons in those early days, often two weeks at a stretch, morning and afternoon classes. That was what we all did: we learned to ski from well-educated instructors. Rumor had it that I was talented. Nevertheless, at 18 I gave up. The reasons had nothing to do with the sport. They were personal.
In 2013 (age 51) I returned to the slopes in Switzerland with my wife (an avid skier) and daughters. Everything was different. Plastic boots, shaped skis, automated chairlifts, helmets, you name it. And most importantly: many people on the slopes with bad form and terrible technique. My wife and kids were amazed by my skiing. I do not know why and how, but somehow it looked like I (still) knew what I was doing. I didn’t. I was out of balance and struggling 95% of the time. And terrified 100% of the time. I could not make use of those new skis that supposedly make skiing easier. My technique needed work. So I took some private lessons. Often with elder instructors who knew where I came from. That helped, but to a certain degree because in the eyes of my instructors my skiing looked okay, while I ‘felt’ a need to improve a lot before I would be able to fully enjoy the sport like I use to do as a kid.
In 2017 I found Harald. I was searching the internet for ‘ski tips’ that would help me out. The first problem was to find someone who is an inspiring skier himself (or herself). Someone to model. Someone who skies powerfully but also elegantly. In comes Harald. The second problem was to find a program that keeps things simple. A program that breaks down skiing to its essentials. A program that makes great skiing accessible for us mere mortals (and not only for slope gods like Reilly M.). In comes PMTS. Since 2018 I have worked diligently to rebuild my skiing. Since I was thoroughly trained Austrian ‘old skool’ counter balance and action comes natural to me. My main problems were: tipping and flexing and pull back of the inside foot. It took my about two years of serious hard to get me to where I am know. Last week I had the best ski trip of my life. I skied with total relaxation and control for the first time since my return to the snow. Thank you Harald for developing a perfect system and making me a happy skier again. I hope to join a Hintertux camp one day, when my kids have finished college :) .
Last edited by dj_61 on Mon Feb 03, 2020 8:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My PMTS journey

Postby h.harb » Mon Feb 03, 2020 6:57 am

Thanks for your story, we are all happy you found PMTS.
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