Strongboard to enhance balancing skills

PMTS Forum

Strongboard to enhance balancing skills

Postby Jjmdane » Sat Nov 12, 2016 10:17 am

Has anyone out there tried a relatively new balancing devise called a Strongboard? You can google it and see the videos so I won't go through a detailed description; I think it is great for improving ones balancing skills. Just this morning I put my boots on to do some slant board work and I jumped on the strong board to see how it would adapt to ski centric movements. Obviously it's a lot harder to make subtle ankle articulations in ski boots then with sneakers or bare feet, but therein lies what I think are the incredible benefits. It would seem to be a great enhancement to using the slant board. As you can see from the videos you can stand on it in either a lengthwise or horizontal configuration. Once you have done that with a two legged stance for a while, try it with one leg and watch the fun begin. I coach a high school race team here in Massachusetts and I also instruct ( not PSIA) up at Cannon Mountain New Hampshire and I plan to try this wth my racers.
Curious about any feedback.
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