New Harb Carver videos on HSS website

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New Harb Carver videos on HSS website

Postby Erik » Thu Oct 24, 2013 9:28 am

If you haven't checked on the Harb Ski Systems website since it came back on line after maintenance, there is a great series of PMTS instructional videos posted. Although it happens to be introductory instruction on how to use Harb Carvers, it is a terrific example of PMTS instruction (albeit without an actual student).

As you watch it, you should note how precise Diana is in explaining each part of the progression, doing a demonstration of individual movements, then building to linked movements. The linked movements eventually lead to linked turns. In every section of the video series, she states that you really need to master the elements of the previous video before you move on. Each element is small and precise, but she clearly gives the message to make sure you are validating that you can practice each element until you master it before attempting the movement that builds off the previous step. (How many times has Max501 posted exactly the same comment here regarding the sequence in the books?) And for those of you who have had Diana as a coach, you will recognize that she will keep you working on the same element all day long if that is what you need - the video triggers my PMTS PTSD! The video is also very typical of the very precise instruction she gives.

I did not have any experience as an inline skater when I started using Harb Carvers, and I was struck by these videos into how much detail she went into in the stepping sequence. I have used some stepping in the turns, but I never tried it with the rigor shown in the videos. As soon as I get my boots back from the offseason bindings check, I am going to work through the sequence again.
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Re: New Harb Carver videos on HSS website

Postby arothafel » Thu Oct 24, 2013 3:02 pm


Super informative.

Fantastic job, Diana!
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Re: New Harb Carver videos on HSS website

Postby skifastDDS » Sat Oct 26, 2013 5:18 pm

Are more of the comp model going to be made? My understanding is that the carvers have been out of production for a while.
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Re: New Harb Carver videos on HSS website

Postby h.harb » Sat Oct 26, 2013 5:24 pm

We have a few odds and ends of Demos, we have been selling these, they can be made up with new wheels, but no new Carvers are out yet. THe next production likely will begin this summer with only one model.
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