Phantom Move / Phantom Edging

PMTS Forum

Postby PMTS Skier » Mon Jan 10, 2005 6:57 pm

I am not sure how you can assume I was an antagonist when I said I was a PMTS Skier. What I've said I've said in sincerity and honesty. Not a troll, no hidden meaning, no alterior motive. I truly believe in the PMTS approach but believe the "tude" is detrimental. I am a customer and I don't think anyone can say I was treated very well. I don't think it was anything about directness in your responses that was the problem. Read them over for yourself. I'm not the only one saying these things. There are other PMTS skiers who feel very much the same.

SkierSynergy, thanks for the gracious response. Perhaps I will email you sometime. However, I posted to try and give people some sense of how they were coming off. I don't feel confused or in doubt about anything in particular in regards to PMTS.
PMTS Skier

Postby Joseph » Mon Jan 10, 2005 7:48 pm

If you are not the guy, then my sincere apology stands. The "tude" comes from the guy on the other thread. He deserved every bit of what I gave you. He was interested in neither information, nor conversation. I say everything in sincerity and honesty. I'm not about to filter what I say to please folks who may be sensitive about it--certainly not on the internet anyway. Where's the fun in that?

For the record, the reason I assumed that you were the same guy was that nobody ever posts without putting some name on it. For two different people to do it in two days almost never happens on this forum.

Postby Max » Mon Jan 10, 2005 9:33 pm

Guys, keep in mind that when someone posts a response it will be posted as Guest by default. I posted a while back before the flame ware stared. Lets try it again. I'd really like the help in understanding the flex and extend.

Is there a sequence of pictures in one of the books or videos that does a good job of showing the flex and extend in action?

Can someone describe the flexing move in excruciating detail? Is it something that can be done in off snow training?

You guys did hijack this thread

Postby Hobbit » Mon Jan 10, 2005 10:18 pm

Posting anonymously (as Guest) is ill-behaved and hostile towards the other participants in most cases. People who chose to do so are ignoring the simplest etiquette and do not deserve the answer. If you chose the ?PMTSskier? handle, please do use it and do not complain that they treated you badly when you posted as ?Guest?. You treated everybody here badly by posting as ?Guest?, so please understand your mistake and do not do it again.

The issue on rotational vs. lateral movements was brought so many times and became a side-kick topic in so many threads. I personally do not use rotational moves in my skiing (I am just a hack) and a lateral move is all I need so far. Of course I am not a racer and do not intend to race. But it would be really nice if PMTS coaches would post a detailed technical description / discussion on the topic. I think that we need some kind of the placeholder (hopefully a dedicated thread) so that we can organize somehow and direct interested participants over there instead of trashing every discussion on the Forum.

I think that you guys did hijack this thread. The topic was ?Phantom Move / Phantom Edging?. It would be really interesting to hear on the subject from PMTS coaches (Joseph, SkierSynergy?).

Flex and extend is one of the most important moves in PMTS. So please discuss in a separate thread as well.
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