Notes from the field

PMTS Forum

Notes from the field

Postby -- SCSA » Sun Feb 22, 2004 9:19 am

"No no. Show me your notes. Then, I'll give you the beads." :)

Friday, I skied my Head ic160's (64 under foot) in 11" of new. Normally, on a day like that, I would have been on my im75's (75 under foot), but they're in the shop. So off I went, albeit a little nervous, with my "skinny skis."

Man, they were great. I really felt confident with them, even in some trees, where the snow was deeper and thicker. More than that though, and I ain't no expert, was the technique. I just feel like if I'm dialed in with the right moves, that's just really the key. The PMTS stuff is really an advantage.

Got some of the "new and improved", Zipfit liners. Not that my other ones were bad or worn out. I just wanted to try some new liners.

New and improved is what the fellow at Superior Ski says (, the NA dealers of Zipfit. First, they don't make the Sidewinder anymore. So I opted for the Expresso, in leather.

The tongue in the Expresso does have more padding. Also, they did away with the plastic reinforcement, that the Sidewinder had. Call Superior and have them explain why they did away with the plastic. He said that the plastic was causing some skiers to be knockneed. The Expresso does have a different design and when I first looked at them out of the box, I was nervous because my Sidewinders are ultra comfy!. "Oh no! My feet are going to hurt!"

"Not so fast, leather liners face." :wink:

The liners were definitely comfy, even for the first day. I skied them all day in the bumps on Grouse and the walk back to the car felt good. They also seem to be warmer than the Sidewinder. Yesterday it got cold for a while and with my other liners, I definitely would have turned my heaters on.

They skied good, but I did notice my stance was different. I stand more straight in the Expresso liner. I also experimented with puting my Power booster strap around the liner (inside of the plastic), instead of around the plastic. This seemed to make a difference as well.

But so far, I'm giving them a big thumbs up. The only drawback was the cost. I don't know if I got hosed or not, but I paid $300 bucks for them. Ouch!

So I'm reading in the Daily Disappointment (aka the Vail Daily). People complaining about snowboarders, complaining that the slopes are over crowded, blah bla blah. People up here sure do like to complain. It's like my buddy says. "SCSA, you don't move up here for the people."

Glad to see people on the "other board" are waking up and smelling the Primary Movements. Or at least, they're starting to come out of denial. :wink:

Speaking of which, it's easy for me to get out of sync, skiing with others. When I'm skiing with others, I find myself watching them, when I should be taking care of business. Before I know it, I'm dragging my poles, making lousy turns and doing Pinheds favorite move, the double ejecto. I don't know about y'all, but I make my best turnz when it's just me, or when I'm focused on the snow, not the people around me.

I still haven't seen Ryan and Trista. I'll let you know when I do. But I tell you what. I'm pretty sure all us males would like to look like Ryan, if just for a day. I mean, the dude comes around and women just start shreading their... :lol:

Bode may be the real deal, but until I start reading about his wins, not his falls, he's just another dude that can't beat the Austrians -- or anyone else, for that matter.

Same thing with me in the bumps. Yesterday was a great example. I was 0 for 3 on Perregine, in my opinion the toughest bump run in the Happy Valley -- or that I've ever skied

I got tossed around on all 3 runs. The last one was so bad...I went back to skiing green runs. So I can post here all day every day, with claims of expert skiing, blah bla blah. But until I can nail Perregine consistently, I'm just some dude who...can't ski Perregine great.

Good thing Pinhed didn't show up. :wink:

Back to green runs for me. I've been skiing a lot, but not much training. So I'm gonna hang out on some green runs for a few dayz, working on my skills. The releasing movements and upper body control.

Pinhed never did show up. But I was 14 minutes late, too. I left him a bunch of messages, but no returned call.

"So close, yet so far away."

Now that more people besides me are popping up with success in PMTS, can we finally leave all the negative stuff behind?

Now, I'm sure you're wondering. "Wait! Isn't SCSA responsible for all the wars?" Well, if you're going to hold me responsible for all the wars, then you sure as heck ought to also hold me responsible for all the success, too.

In the 5 years since my infamous 97% post, ski instruction as a whole, is improving. New ski camps and products are popping up, ski instructors are working harder at their craft. Skiers are benefitting because the competition for their hard earned dollar is more fierce than ever and the products for them are better than ever. SAM are reading boards like this one and the other one -- they're getting feadback about their products and services like never before.

There's still a long ways to go, but I think the foundation is just about there. Who knows? Maybe Rusty will start to post here. We certainly could use some diverging views. Rusty, come home! :)

So all this can only mean one thing.

"I know more than 97% of the people on the planet" :P :wink:


So can we still have fun though? Yeah sure, this is the PMTS forum. But we can't just be homeys, all the damn time. I think some razzing is always good and we need to be able to laugh at ourselves, consistently. I think we also need some diverging opinions. We can call a spade a spade, as long we keep it above the belt.

If we really are going to usher in a new era, then let's just make sure we go down the isle with colorful carnations, purple tuxedos, and open minds!

Otherwise, we're no different -- maybe even worse -- than what we speak out against. Or in this case, we'll end up as just another bs bulletin board; inhabited by self-interest, Internet superstars, and netizens with nothing better to do.

And puhleeeeeeeeeeeease.

No whining!

Be cool,

Postby milesb » Sun Feb 22, 2004 1:11 pm

I always enjoy the notes.
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