Need Help to Introduce PMTS to Difficult Student

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Re: Need Help to Introduce PMTS to Difficult Student

Postby Ihamilton » Sat Oct 26, 2013 1:50 pm

Well said John. As skiers or instructors, as Harald says, we all take pills, we have to decide which colour it will be.
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Re: Need Help to Introduce PMTS to Difficult Student

Postby h.harb » Sat Oct 26, 2013 4:30 pm

Based on what I've seen with hundreds of skiers in Blue Level camps over almost 14 years, PMTS has an effect on TTS skiers even the first day. The turns shape differently and the gross motor movements calm down and do change. What someone wants to do with that after they experience it, is up to them, but we definitely offer a palm full of Red Pills.

PMTS offers you the movements and ability to improve every time you ski. TTS assures and reassures that you will be staying exactly where you are with your movements because they are a deadened.

I mean how much more can you improve your Wedge Christie, extending, twisting or pivot slips?????
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Re: Need Help to Introduce PMTS to Difficult Student

Postby Kiwi » Sat Oct 26, 2013 9:30 pm

I have it on good authority that Klaus Mair, now head instructor at Treble Cone in NZ, required all instructors to practise the Wedge Christie when he first arrived and then demonstrate it to him. How NZ got into this mess I dont know but I imagine Mair likes the arrangement as he promotes his online videos while teaching.

While riding up a chair I was talking to a friend about a skier on the hill making PMTS type movements, the other person on the chair, who turned out to be a TTS instructor in muftie, interrupted and said "we don't ski like that in NZ etc". I let the comments go, much to my friends relief, but the arrogance is amazing.
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Re: Need Help to Introduce PMTS to Difficult Student

Postby Ken » Sun Oct 27, 2013 3:32 pm

Keep in mind that the hardest part can be getting the skier to do very little. To simply tip one foot and do nothing else with their entire body except balance can be a real challenge. Their old movements are in the subconscious, and the body has been trained to do these to turn the skis. Intentionally not doing what has been automatic is an essential big task.
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Re: Need Help to Introduce PMTS to Difficult Student

Postby skijim13 » Mon Oct 28, 2013 6:11 am

Last year my wife and I were working PMTS training during times we don;t work as ski instructors, our assistant ski school director asked why we were wasting our time doing silly drills, and we should go out to ski on the mountain doing our free time. When the ski instructors go out to free ski, they like to go down the hills very fast, and don't make anything close to round turns. Whenever I go out to free ski I always try to keep good form otherwise doing my free skiing I am teaching myself bad form.
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