So, HH, is this you?

PMTS Forum

Postby Hobbit » Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:54 am

There is only one contact I was able to find at TGR -- it's . I've sent an email to them requesting the admin contact info. There is no reply yet.

If anyone is aware of the TGR administrators contact info please post it here.

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Postby Hobbit » Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:59 am


I am not a lawyer but these are my 2 cents.

I don't think that they would uncover the identity of the impersonator.
They will probably drop the offending posts but my guess is that in order to reveal the identity you need to serve them with the court order.
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Postby Mac » Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:33 am

It seems like more than a coincidence that this post popped up on TGR about the same time that Highway Star was fanning the flames over on Epic by calling out HH and other PMTS members with two rather lengthy threads. Also, if you scroll down the original thread on TGR by the person impersonating HH, you'll find a couple of other posts including pictures of HH where he is referred to as "*****" This was Highway Star's pet name for HH in the above mentioned threads over on Epic until one of the moderators over there (I believe it was SSH) deleted them. Coincidence? Judge for yourself.

Moderator: removed offencive language quote.
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Postby Hobbit » Thu Mar 15, 2007 12:49 pm

Guys, please do not copy / quote the obscenities from the other forum(s) -- it just does not make sense to complain about it posted somewhere else and include the same word(s) here.

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Postby Hobbit » Thu Mar 15, 2007 12:52 pm


I am pretty sure that some other epic user came up with the original TGR link and posted it in the HS thread. HS took over from there. It does not really matter which person did it first -- they all are in the same boat.
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Postby Mac » Thu Mar 15, 2007 2:09 pm

Agreed. Hard to imagine what makes some people tick. Kinda childish if you ask me.
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Postby dewdman42 » Thu Mar 15, 2007 2:54 pm

If you are seroius about finding out who the person is, you can definitely make TGR respond, but it may require that you get an injunction or something of this nature. Also you may need to notify the internet service provider that is providing IP service to TGR. Contact them and inform them that the TGR forum is being used to conduct illegal activities(fraud), etc..

TGR will at the very least remove that post. Beyond that its hard to say whether they will release the identity of the person who posted it unless you go the full distance through the courts.

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Re: Pardons

Postby greg » Thu Mar 15, 2007 8:10 pm

Hobbit wrote: (in case HH wants to sue them).

I personally think that you are intelligent and smart enough and just playing dumb in order to enjoy a minute of fame and stir the mud by posting a link on this web site. I think that HH would like to hear the honest explanations on your behavior if you choose to ask for the pardon.

TGR has been threatened before, nothing comes of it. When I posted this thread, the one on TGR had not escalated to where it is now. I now agree that it isn't HH. At the time I posted it, it was not clear to me at least. (I suppose I left half of my brain behind, it is spring break after all) :roll:

I wanted a yes or no, not a debate. The answer is no, fine.

Hobbit wrote: they do tolerate sock puppet accounts


Hobbit wrote:...more friendly manner:
"I have seen a new user posts on TGR and he claims to be Harald Harb.
Harald, could you please confirm if you are posting over there?"

Would that really have made that much of a difference? It was a simple, yes or no question. If you are offended by the manner in which it was asked, then I'd advise you to get a thicker skin.

Hobbit wrote:I've read your posts on epicski in the past. You are a smart guy.

Thanks :)

jbotti wrote: IMO, he has had an ax to grind from day one.

Think what you want, I really don't care. I have better things to do than harbor internet vendettas against ski coaches! Come on, people, this is ridiculous. I respect Harald and his teaching skill. The thread was quoting SCSA. I do not care for SCSA (HUGE understatement...) and I posted the thread in response to his post.

jbotti wrote:he has no interest in learning PMTS or from Harald

I may be interested, but honestly, I only ski about 8 days a year at this point, down from the 60+ I used to be at. Until I am out of school, I doubt many technique improvements can really be made, much less learning a new system.

hobbit wrote:There is only one contact I was able to find at TGR -- it's . I've sent an email to them requesting the admin contact info. There is no reply yet.

Fred=frozenwater. He would be the guy to talk to, although I doubt he will delete it. PM-ing him or The Suit on the forum would garner a faster response, IMO.

jbotti wrote:He has not lived up to being banned

That is a meaningless statement. How would I live up to being banned? :roll: [/logician speech]


My question has been answered, that is the end of it. I'm not looking to start anything. If you want to ban me, go ahead. I would appreciate you removing my real name and info from my MA thread if you do choose to do so.
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Postby h.harb » Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:00 pm

About the post on Teton, I hope it hasn?t caused too much of a disruption, over there, it has here, and I?m sorry anyone had to deal with it.

I don?t know who posts there but, I wish they didn?t have to be introduced to PMTS or Harb Ski Systems this way. Hopefully the post can be deleted and the whole thing forgotten. I am having my lawyers look into the possibilitiesof how to deal with this level of fraud and identity theft.
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Postby Ron » Fri Mar 16, 2007 8:10 am

This is totally unacceptable. As a business owner, I am outraged! This is your lively-hood and more importantly, this is your heart and soul. No one has the right to damage what you have created, built and fought so hard for. Banter and bickering is fine but this is not acceptable. I hope that TGR takes this down.

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Postby dewdman42 » Fri Mar 16, 2007 10:54 am

Like I said, contact that actual Internet service provider. They can threaten to shutdown TGR if there is illegal activity and believe, TGR will remove the post pronto, as well as make sure it never happens again.
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Postby Narrowfeet » Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:36 am

Let it go. The more you complain, the more they will do it. They are immature, and get pleasure out of their childish games.

Lawyers will accomplish nothing, but running up billable hours.
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Postby Hobbit » Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:59 pm

I never read TGR, but it looks like they practically don't have any moderation and I think it's intentional.
It's a part of a culture (no pun intended) or a business model.
They are trying to attract certain type of audience since they sell videos of a specific kind as well.
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Postby Narrowfeet » Fri Mar 16, 2007 3:00 pm ... hp?t=80139

I hate to say I told you so, but this just added more fuel to the sophomoric fire.
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Postby dewdman42 » Fri Mar 16, 2007 4:14 pm

Geez. After seeing that thread. I hate to say it, but just let it go. They obviously have no boundaries over there on that forum and like to talk a lot of smack about just about anyone. I doubt anyone hanging out on TGR thought for one second it was a legitimate post from Harald and probably nobody over there is interested in learning about technique from Harald either, so I say let em act like pre-teens if they want and let's get back to our regularly scheduled programming.
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