Who wants to ski in summit county with me and my 21 year old

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Who wants to ski in summit county with me and my 21 year old

Postby John Mason » Mon Mar 08, 2004 6:47 pm

April 3rd and 4th. We are thinking copper or beaver creek. Anyone gonna be around?
John Mason
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Location: Lafayette, Indiana, USA

Postby -- SCSA » Tue Mar 09, 2004 1:46 am


I think I'm going to be in Utah that weekend. If not, I'd be happy to show you around Vail or the Beav.

That's a set of Ski areas I haven't been to yet

Postby John (no login) Mason » Tue Mar 09, 2004 7:29 am

I was thinking about Utah but I can fly to Denver in just about 2 hours non-stop. It takes more like 6 hours total for me to get to
Salt Lake.

On a weekend 2 day jammer Utah doesn't fit.

Have a blast in Utah! Where to you like going there best?
John (no login) Mason

Postby Mr. T » Tue Mar 09, 2004 9:20 am

I cannot ski with you John, I am going to Utah the last w/e of March and I guess that will complete my 2003/4 season on skis.

I have a question for you? You live in Indiana. I may move to Indiana for a job change. How is skiing in Indiana? I know of Paoli's Peaks and the Perfect North Slopes. When are they usually open? I guess that skiing-wise it is not going to be a big move for me. Minnesota ain't great but at least one can ski from December to March. What's the situation over there instead?

I wish I could move to Utah or Colorado to live, but these days getting jobs is not easy.
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Postby Hobbit » Tue Mar 09, 2004 1:06 pm

Hi John,

I can ski with you on this weekend. I left you a PM but I am not sure if it's working.
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Got it. - I'll also be up in Winterpark the 20 and 21st.

Postby John Mason » Tue Mar 09, 2004 1:19 pm

I'll also be in Winterpark skiing Sat and Sun the 20th and 21st.

Trynig to get a private PMTS lesson for a friend of my I'm meeting there, but I'll be free to ski on Sunday! (we'll leave Saturday open hopefully for PMTS and alignment for my client/friend from Colorado Springs)

My friend has had some lessons but all were focused on some variation of "smash the grape under your big toe" type of leg steering. He is stuck at a easy blue level and really wants to progress. He was actually with my on my very first day skiing trying to help me learn to ski last March at Breckenridge. Anything I can swing to help him progress would be a very nice return of the favor for him being so patient with me on my first 2 hours down easy big Green slope at Breck.
John Mason
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