Hey John Mason

PMTS Forum

Hey John Mason

Postby -- SCSA » Mon Mar 08, 2004 9:26 am


You took a beating over there at gapic, by all the weasels. All of your posts were erased. So what the heck happened?

One thing. If you post over there, you can tell Reiter (vail snopro), that if I can whup his ass down Genghis -- or any other line he chooses at the Big Show -- can I then legitimately claim to be in the 97% group? :P :lol:

Na - I didn't get beat up - I just realized I stepped in poo

Postby John Mason » Mon Mar 08, 2004 8:02 pm

So I washed it off - I removed the posts. I put a different post up there to clarify to me what appeared to be illogical and contradictory statements of many there.

Bottom line, leg steering of the main supporting leg is still a focus of most the instructors posting over there. They'll say things like its a marketing difference of opinion implying that what Harold teaches is not unique or new.

Well, that leg steering issue is pretty fundamental to their thinking and Harold rejects it and replaces it with the phantom move which is much more effective. Though some will say lift and tip, leg steering "shapes the turn". Well, my contention is if the tip is enough to move the body through the release why in the world resort to leg steering to control the size of the arc. Obviously the lift and tip is has enough power to do it.

I couldn't get people to actual respond to my questions. My, now famous, 97% comment wasn't saying I was that good, it was based on observation how the masses at ski resorts ski. You don't have to be very good to get into the top 97%. If you do blacks at all at many resorts you are in a very very small minority of total skiers on the mountain. But people focus on detours if they don't want to engage in an actual learning debate.

But, in their world, they think the movements taught here are only about carving. They do not think the lift and tip style of turn is appropriate in many conditions while the reality is useful in most conditions.

I can't even get simple agreement over there on the idea - is there an ideal turn type that should be set out as a goal and then strived for. Ski instruction with no goal is like a boat with no rudder. No wonder ski instruction is so messed up.

Oh, you may have noticed in the fractured remains of this thread, that a few there thought I was you posing as not you. Pretty funny.

Hey - your're not me are you? Wanna go sking April 3rd and 4th so we can find out? Or at least meet for food?
John Mason
Posts: 1050
Joined: Wed Feb 18, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: Lafayette, Indiana, USA

Postby -- SCSA » Tue Mar 09, 2004 1:09 am

Hi John,

You're killing me! :lol:

I'd love to go skiing with you. Anytime you're out here in Eagle County or nearby, just drop a line and we'll hookup.

Too funny. :lol:

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