I am an avid watcher of WC ski racing. For me its just fun. I have spent a good amount of time trying to develop an eye for what is fast, what is good technique and what is not and thanks to Harald, I have learned a ton about looking at racers boot set up to spot when issues are the set up vs technique. But one thing is hugely apparent in pretty much all high level WC racers, they tip to the LTE way beyond what the average (even PMTS) skier does regularly. Want to tighten your arcs (who doesn't) it all starts with tipping the non stance ski to much higher levels that our normal level of tipping. It also require increasing that throughout the arc, and on steep terrain, past the apex.
I recommend that everyone watch some current WC racing and notice just how early and how far the non stance ski gets tipped. When I see this, I am reminded that If I want to ski like Harald, I need tp bring this level of commitment to every arc.
When I was in Austria this past April at the HSS camp, Diana had us a doing a drill, which in reality is how we all should ski all the time. On moderate terrain we were asked to increase our tipping by 10% as we were approaching the apex of the turn. Its great of you can get some video shot while you are doing this drill, because if you do increase the tipping. its very easy to see on the video.
Once this starts to become doable, the next is to take it into some steeper terrain, and here one increases tipping into the apex, but the pronounced 10% additional comes after the apex. Want to know how WC racers control their speed on steeps and can tighten their arcs on steep terrain? This is how (or at least it starts with being able to do this as having other essentials in place is also necessary).
I have not been on snow yet. For me this is always a time when I am looking at how I want to approach my skiing in the coming season. In Austria I was in a group of all excellent PMTS skiers and everyone walked away from doing this drill work with a greater ROM for tipping and a hugely increased ability to tighten each arc. This will be one of my huge focuses when I get back on snow.
But while getting the lateral ankle bone on snow or close to being on snow (huge level of non stance ski tipping) is truly an expert move, every level of skier can increase their level of tipping and every level can increase their tipping 10% as they approach the apex of each turn. Try it. You will see a huge result!
I'll mention the WC again, because I find the visual I get is amazing and I use that in my mind as I look to tip further. Peacock has all the races from Austria. Of course youtube has a ton. Using slow mo and pause is especially helpful.
One thing never changes, we can all tip more!