Eliminating the Wedge 2 Video - Releasing question

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Eliminating the Wedge 2 Video - Releasing question

Postby mcmurphy » Sun Aug 02, 2015 7:36 pm

Hi All,

The above video raised some questions for me I was hoping someone might be able to offer some advice.

I am beginning on PMTS; I was in the early stages of parallel before moving to PMTS; I always struggled with wedge turns and sort of looked for ways to head straight to parallel; I realise my initial struggle with wedge was a in part due to a very bad instructor but lets not go there; in some ways I am glad as it led me to parallel direct and here and I can retrospectively do wedge now if I had to call on it for some reason ....don't release the hounds at the last comment :-) ...

Anyhow, I noticed when Diane in the video is discussing releasing there is not too much focus on weight distribution at the start of the release and turn, the focus only really goes on weight after the release and she begins to lighten and tip the new inside ski. This left some unanswered questions for me.... I was hoping someone can offer some advice.

Prior to the release, Diane is on her edges going across the slope and you can clearly see her CM is focused on the outside ski, which makes sense to me. I would really like to understand what is happening with the CM weight as she flexes and flattens the current outside ski (new inside). She does not talk about it too much at this point and I am simply trying to deduct it by looking at her body position and CM. It would seem logical to deduct that the weight must start to shift somewhat at this point to the new outside ski; otherwise if weight remained on the current outside it would not turn correctly? Her body seems to reflect this somewhat as it appears her CM shifts a little to become centred; hard to tell from video... also she is going slow for obvious reasons and so movement here is subtle.

Appreciate any advice, my next practise is in a couple of days (indoor slope) and would be good to know in advance.... I am sure I will figure it out but safer to know now.

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Re: Eliminating the Wedge 2 Video - Releasing question

Postby DougD » Mon Aug 03, 2015 7:32 am

Perceptive question, but Diana told you everything you need to know about it - which is nothing. :)

At your level, just focus on:
- lifting the old stance (new free) ski by flexing that leg;
- pulling the free foot in and back; and
- tipping the free foot toward its LTE.
That's plenty to keep in mind. Don't worry or even think about where your CM goes, it will take care of itself.

Beginners who focus on this tend to contract the muscles in the new stance leg in "preparation" to support additional weight. This is unnecessary and WRONG, because in transition your weight is virtually zero. Tightening the new stance leg muscles during transition leads to extension, which would condemn you to skiing with a stem or wedge forever. For now, it's best not to think too much about that leg.

As you advance in PMTS, you'll encounter specific movements, drills and releases that teach you how to fine tune your CM and your stance leg. But at your level those are the wrong things to focus on. Just do the drills as explained in the books/video... in order. Taking things out of sequence will only hold you back or mess you up.
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Re: Eliminating the Wedge 2 Video - Releasing question

Postby mcmurphy » Mon Aug 03, 2015 12:36 pm

Hi Doug

Thanks for the reply.

The only reason for asking is that I can see the weight is on the outside ski prior to starting the release which makes sense in my mind; and so put simply I am not clear where the weight should be or start to be as the release starts; I think I could do it either way i.e. apply weight on the outside or inside at that juncture. My mind says the weight must shift at this point and I guess depending on how sharp the turn is graduate towards the new outside. I feel if I don't do this and weight remains on the old outside I will continue across the slope or start to turn up the hill.... am I answering my own question or losing the plot ! I know I am probably over analysing, but sadly this is how my brain works.

If I had to follow blindly Diana's video blindly, I would probably continue with my weight on the outside, which seems odd.....or maybe the movement itself will force the weight shift in the right way ?

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Re: Eliminating the Wedge 2 Video - Releasing question

Postby DougD » Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:58 am

Hi Murphy,

mcmurphy wrote:... put simply I am not clear where the weight should be or start to be as the release starts;
The release Diana describes/demonstrates in this video BEGINS by lightening the old stance ski (via flexing of the old stance leg). When learning, it's best to flex that leg enough so that the ski (or at least the ski tail) is actually LIFTED off the snow. If the old outside ski is light/weightless, whatever weight you have must be supported by the other (new outside) ski.

I think I could do it either way i.e. apply weight on the outside or inside at that juncture.
Unlikely, unless you're a gifted athlete with exceptional balance and body control.

An expert PMTS skier can release and tip toward the new edges with his/her weight distributed between the skis in any proportion, from 100% on the new outside ski, to 50/50 to 100% on the old outside (new inside) ski. When you get to more advanced PMTS movements you will learn all these releases.

HOWEVER, a PMTS newbie should follow the recommended progression. The release taught by Diana in this particular video is called a "One Footed Release". Again, it begins by lightening/lifting the old outside ski so that ~100% of your weight shifts to the new outside ski. This is the easiest release to learn and it teaches Primary Movements that apply to all skiing, including the ability to balance on the outside ski through the entire turn. It's vital that you own these movements before advancing to other releases.

My mind says the weight must shift at this point and I guess depending on how sharp the turn is graduate towards the new outside.

I feel if I don't do this and weight remains on the old outside I will continue across the slope or start to turn up the hill....
Yes, that would happen if you failed to TIP your skis toward the new edges and instead maintained the tipping you did during the previous turn.

If I had to follow blindly Diana's video blindly, I would probably continue with my weight on the outside, which seems odd.....
Nope. You missed part of her instruction (the part about flexing the old stance leg FIRST, which lightens/lifts the old outside/stance ski). Watch it again.

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Re: Eliminating the Wedge 2 Video - Releasing question

Postby mcmurphy » Wed Aug 05, 2015 4:46 pm

Thank you Doug; I think I get it now..

Will give it a shot this weekend !
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Re: Eliminating the Wedge 2 Video - Releasing question

Postby DougD » Thu Aug 06, 2015 5:36 am

You're welcome!

I should also point you to the Checkpoints Harald offered here:
Checkpoints 1, 2, 7, 8 and 11 provide clear answers to your question, with photos. Over the years, Harald and his coaches, including Diana, have addressed virtually every question better than I possibly could. Just need to find the appropriate posts.

PMTS is the most effective, organized teaching/learning system for taking skiers from beginner to expert without putting them through unproductive, misdirected, ineffective and potentially harmful movements (like wedges and stem turns, which don't work in challenging conditions and stress the connective tissues in the knees). Do the drills in the order shown in the books, starting with ACBAES1, and you'll become a very different (and more capable) skier.

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Re: Eliminating the Wedge 2 Video - Releasing question

Postby Max_501 » Fri Aug 07, 2015 5:50 pm

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