All Moutain Camp @ ABasin follow up

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All Moutain Camp @ ABasin follow up

Postby *SCSA » Sun Jan 09, 2005 7:15 am

Morning Harald,

1) Is it, "Pole, flex and roll" or is it, "Flex, pole and roll"?

2) At about 3:00 in the turn; i'm collapsing my legs, tipping my inside foot over and staying flexed until I feel an edge change. Then I'm extending. Correct?

My turns are feeling way better. A big difference is that I'm able to get much better gripping, by starting my extension in the high c. My speed control has improved. I was able to make slow turns in the pow pow yesterday, it was neato. I'd have to look, but I'm betting my skis aren't sideways, like they were when you and I skied together.

My skis rocked my world. I've never felt so good in the pow pow and chop. They carve good too. You guys should load up on them for next year. Hobbit already wants a pair!

Later Harald. I'm making turns at Vail today, watching the game too. Go Broncs!

Fool me once OK, fool me all the time, I'm stupid

Postby Harald » Sun Jan 09, 2005 11:24 am

Paul, your skiing made a huge step forward, now it has no top end limit. To make the next level it depends on how much and how hard you want to work.

From what you learned at the PMTS All Mountain Camp you can become the best at Vail.

Like Diana, you are now on the right track. Don?t fall for those other methods you see out there from the PSIA gang. The ones that are skiing correctly are using PMTS, but they can?t talk about it openly. I know this personally from some of the Demo Team members. The regular PSIA instructor is being fooled by his own organization.

Go Broncs
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Postby *SCSA » Sun Jan 09, 2005 5:32 pm

Thanks man.

I was sideways for awhile, I admit it. But now I'm all about the turns. I think soon, the flex move will be muscle memory for me. Of all my turns today, I bet I was only upside down in the flex just a few times -- and I was making turns in the back all day.

Harald I'm tellin ya, my turns feel 100% better. You might not recognize me now.

The flexing move, it's so good I can't even explain it. I look different now, I love it. I wanna check you out for another half day real soon, just to make sure I got it. You anywhere close in the next week?

The skis are way cool, thanks. I love 'em!

Postby Max » Wed Jan 12, 2005 11:32 pm

SCSA, What ski's are you on that you like so much?

Postby *SCSA » Thu Jan 13, 2005 7:24 am

The new Head, i88.
It's 126, 88, 112. Sandwhich design. What a bitchin ski.

Postby Max » Thu Jan 13, 2005 8:13 am

Interesting. How does it handle on hardpack and in the bumps? No doubt it floats wonderfully in powder. I tried the Atomic Metron B5 and its a great ski, but much less width under the foot so it handles great on hardpack.

What does sandwhich design mean?

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